Wednesday, November 18, 2015

To What Degree Should We Trust Our Senses?

What is sense perception?
Can you think of other kinds of sense perception?

  1. Hearing
  2. Seeing
  3. Touching
  4. Feeling
  5. Smelling
  6. Addiction
  7. Adrenaline
  8. Appetite
  9. Balance
  10. Breathing
  11. Blinking
  12. Co-ordination
  13. Cramps
  14. Static shock
  15. Excretion
  16. Fatigue
  17. Goose bumps
  18. Gravity
  19. Itching
  20. Nausea
  21. Numbness
  22. Pain
  23. Pressure
  24. Proprioception
  25. Pulse
  26. Relaxation
  27. Resistance
  28. Sexual arousal
  29. Sleep
  30. Shivering
  31. Shock
  32. Soreness
  33. Stomach clamping
  34. Stress
  35. Stiffness
  36. Sweating
  37. Time
  38. Tears
  39. Temperature
  40. Tension
  41. Wetness

Can We Trust Our Senses? - Slideshow