Presentation Chapter
Knowledge Questions
Presentation Examples
Presentation Ideas
What is the area of knowledge about?
What practical problems can be solved through
applying this knowledge?
What makes this area of knowledge important?
What are the current open questions in this
What are the ethical considerations that limit
the scope of inquiry?
What role does language play in the
accumulation of knowledge in this area?
What are the roles of the key concepts and key
terms that provide the building blocks for
knowledge in this area?
What metaphors are appropriate to this area of
What is the role of convention in this area?
What are the methods or procedures used in
this area and what is it about these methods
that generates knowledge?
What are the assumptions underlying these
What counts as a fact in this area of
What role do models play in this area of
What ethical thinking constrains the methods
used to gain knowledge?
Historical development
What is the significance of the key points in
the historical development of
this area
of knowledge?
How has the history of this area led to its
current form?
Links to personal knowledge
Why is this area significant to the
What is the nature of the contribution of
individuals to this area?
What responsibilities rest upon the individual
knower by virtue of his or her knowledge in this
area? What are the implications of this area of
knowledge for one’s own individual
What assumptions underlie the individual’s own
approach to this knowledge?